10 Tips to Maintain Relationships During the Pandemic

Ali Mohanad
4 min readNov 17, 2020
Photo by Christiana Rivers on Unsplash

A romantic relationship is such a great way to maintain your emotions and sexual health, the whole point of a relationship is to have someone to lean on, and fill up the void because we all know that no one is perfect.
the real challenge comes in the hard times, when are really in need of help and support, here you can see the gem inside your partner, especially in these tough days for humanity in general, the time we face a challenge we didn’t use to, not even been in aware of.
the pandemic has a direct effect on us, and our relationships, that's because most of the relations have moved into long-distance relationships, making it harder to maintain communication and feelings.
here I gathered most of the best tips to maintain your feelings and overcome the fights:

1-Is this the right person?

first of all, you should ask yourself is this the right person you should complete the rest of your life with? are they loyal? do they have respect for you? are they supportive and by your side whenever you feel yourself down? a healthy relationship is based on trust, and attention, when you give you’ll expect them to give back, if not, then I'm not sure this relationship would be as healthy.

2-Honesty, honesty, and honesty

this is the most important one, as we previously mentioned trust is the base for any relationship, and how to build trust? right, honesty is the key, make sure to be as honest with your significant other, even the small white lies can start a big fight, your partner doesn't want to check back to see if the thing you said is real or a lie, they want to be overconfident in you.

3-Fights happen

there is no relationship without fights, it happens all the time, even on small things, the truth is that the more you love the other end, the sillier fights get, it’s not a big concern, but the real couple knows how to deal with these fights, it’s not that bad to text first, because it shows them how much you care about them.

4-Dealing with routine

it’s okay for a relationship to enter some kind of routine, you both become more general in a conversation, the time you communicate draws, and it’s all fine, here is some tips to overcome this stage:

-try to make a change, something special, find new subjects or interests, play an online game, or watch a movie together through one of the watch party platforms, like Gaze, TeleParty, Amazon Watch Party.
-Start an open conversation, make a deal to be as honest in this conversation without arguing, say everything that we need to say, ask questions, make things clear for you and the other end, the most important thing is that both of you agree that no one gets mad, the whole point of this conversation is to exchange opinions and fix things up, in a matter of how each of you is done things wrong.
-have a flashback, read old conversations, see old photos when you first met, take a look at the past, each separately, and picture the way you both changed, and work on fixing it, and make the past shine again.

5-Reproach gently

make things clear, let them know what they made wrong, sometimes a human only sees what others made wrong, without focusing on themselves, tell them what they made wrong in a way that made you mad in return.

6-Turn fights into your side

during arguments, be polite and honest, don’t say things you can’t get back, focus on saying things that move the argument toward fixing it, not warming it, try to mention the things you did wrong, rather than blaming the other partner.

7-Say sorry

we all know that apology is not an easy thing to do, although it’s the right thing, it leaves a great feeling of happiness of appreciation, it shows the other person how much you love and care about them, trust me, it won’t make you look smaller, exactly the opposite, it delivers the feeling that they are important to you and you are afraid of losing them, in the other hand, if they apologized, don’t you ever let them down, remember they challenged their self to say sorry, disappointing them will make you look guilty.

8-Avoid arguments

“the best solution for relationship arguments is to avoid them in the first place”
try to avoid arguments as much as possible, whenever the situation intensifies, try to cool it down, whether by throwing a joke or make it funny, not in the way that makes the other burn, but, make just to make it less tension and intense.

9-Feel bad for arguing

if you can’t control your voice during fights, try to move to a public place like a library or public cafe, where you may feel embarrassed for raising your voice.

10-have the passion

if one solider is fighting he will never win, you both should have the passion to fix your problems, by yourselves, or else, this relationship can’t be maintained easily. Remember, the only person you can control is yourself, and your actions directly affect the reactions of the other, so before you expect from them you should watch yourself and your behaviors.
-alivwv (Ali Muhannad)



Ali Mohanad

Blogger and Entrepreneur, big fan of science, learning is my top passion, I write about anything that comes into my mind.